Hazton Cultivation Techniques
Further details on Hazton Techniques, please visit www.hazton.net
By Live Science Staff March 10, 2020
As the novel coronavirus continues to infect people around the world, news articles and social media posts about the outbreak continue to spread online. Unfortunately, this relentless flood of information can make it difficult to separate fact from fiction — and during a viral outbreak, rumors and misinformation can be dangerous.
Here at Live Science, we’ve compiled a list of the most pervasive myths about the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, the disease it causes, and explained why these rumors are misleading, or just plain wrong.
Standard surgical masks cannot protect you from SARS-CoV-2, as they are not designed to block out viral particles and do not lay flush to the face, Live Science previously reported. That said, surgical masks can help prevent infected people from spreading the virus further by blocking any respiratory droplets that could be expelled from their mouths.
Within health care facilities, special respirators called “N95 respirators” have been shown to greatly reduce the spread of the virus among medical staff. People require training to properly fit N95 respirators around their noses, cheeks and chins to ensure that no air can sneak around the edges of the mask; and wearers must also learn to check the equipment for damage after each use. CLOSE
Not necessarily. To estimate how easily a virus spreads, scientists calculate its “basic reproduction number,” or R0 (pronounced R-nought). R0 predicts the number of people who can catch a given bug from a single infected person, Live Science previously reported. Currently, the R0 for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes the disease COVID-19, is estimated at about 2.2, meaning a single infected person will infect about 2.2 others, on average. By comparison, the flu has an R0 of 1.3.
Perhaps, most importantly, while no vaccine exists to prevent COVID-19, the seasonal flu vaccine prevents influenza relatively well, even when its formulation doesn’t perfectly match the circulating viral strains.
No, it’s not. Coronavirus is a large family of viruses that includes many different diseases. SARS-CoV-2 does share similarities with other coronaviruses, four of which can cause the common cold. All five viruses have spiky projections on their surfaces and utilize so-called spike proteins to infect host cells. However, the four cold coronaviruses — named 229E, NL63, OC43 and HKU1 — all utilize humans as their primary hosts. SARS-CoV-2 shares about 90% of its genetic material with coronaviruses that infect bats, which suggests that the virus originated in bats and later hopped to humans.
Evidence suggests that the virus passed through an intermediate animal before infecting humans. Similarly, the SARS virus jumped from bats to civets (small, nocturnal mammals) on its way into people, whereas MERS infected camels before spreading to humans.
No evidence suggests that the virus is man-made. SARS-CoV-2 closely resembles two other coronaviruses that have triggered outbreaks in recent decades, SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, and all three viruses seem to have originated in bats. In short, the characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 fall in line with what we know about other naturally occurring coronaviruses that made the jump from animals to people.Did Coronavirus Come From the Wuhan Lab?Where did SARS-CoV-2 come from? Several ideas have been put forward from natural-borne in bats, an escape from a lab in Wuhan and others. Here’s the murky origin story of the novel coronavirus.
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That’s not true. About 81% of people who are infected with the coronavirus have mild cases of COVID-19, according to a study published Feb. 18 by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. About 13.8% report severe illness, meaning they have shortness of breath, or require supplemental oxygen, and about 4.7% are critical, meaning they face respiratory failure, multi-organ failure or septic shock. The data thus far suggests that only around 2.3% of people infected with COVID-19 die from the virus. People who are older or have underlying health conditions seem to be most at risk of having severe disease or complications. While there’s no need to panic, people should take steps to prepare and protect themselves and others from the new coronavirus.
Probably not to humans. One dog in China contracted a “low-level infection” from its owner, who has a confirmed case of COVID-19, meaning dogs may be vulnerable to picking up the virus from people, according to The South China Morning Post. The infected Pomeranian has not fallen ill or shown symptoms of disease, and no evidence suggests that the animal could infect humans.
Several dogs and cats tested positive for a similar virus, SARS-CoV, during an outbreak in 2003, animal health expert Vanessa Barrs of City University told the Post. “Previous experience with SARS suggests that cats and dogs will not become sick or transmit the virus to humans,” she said. “Importantly, there was no evidence of viral transmission from pet dogs or cats to humans.”
Just in case, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that people with COVID-19 have someone else walk and care for their companion animals while they are sick. And people should always wash their hands after snuggling with animals anyway, as companion pets can spread other diseases to people, according to the CDC. A cat’s been infected with the novel coronavirusA domestic cat in Belgium was confirmed to have COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus that’s spreading across the globe.
There’s no guarantee, but school closures are a common tool that public health officials use to slow or halt the spread of contagious diseases. For instance, during the swine flu pandemic of 2009, 1,300 schools in the U.S. closed to reduce the spread of the disease, according to a 2017 study of the Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law. At the time, CDC guidance recommended that schools close for between 7 and 14 days, according to the study.
While the coronavirus is a different disease, with a different incubation period, transmissibility and symptom severity, it’s likely that at least some school closures will occur. If we later learn that children are not the primary vectors for disease, that strategy may change, Dr. Amesh Adalja, an infectious disease expert at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in Baltimore, previously told Live Science. Either way, you should prepare for the possibility of school closures and figure out backup care if needed.Advertisement
Lockdowns, quarantines and isolation are also a possibility. Under section 361 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S. Code § 264), the federal government is allowed to take such actions to quell the spread of disease from either outside the country or between states. State and local governments may also have similar authority.
Children can definitely catch COVID-19, though initial reports suggested fewer cases in children compared with adults. For example, a Chinese study from Hubei province released in February found that of more than 44,000 cases of COVID-19, about only 2.2% involved children under age 19.
However, more recent studies suggest children are as likely as adults to become infected. In a study reported March 5, researchers analyzed data from more than 1,500 people in Shenzhen, and found that children potentially exposed to the virus were just as likely to become infected as adults were, according to Nature News. Regardless of age, about 7% to 8% of contacts of COVID-19 cases later tested positive for the virus.
Still, when children become infected, they seem less likely to develop severe disease, Live Science previously reported. COVID-19 in Children
No, you won’t. COVID-19 causes a wide range of symptoms, many of which appear in other respiratory illnesses such as the flu and the common cold. Specifically, common symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, cough and difficulty breathing, and rarer symptoms include dizziness, nausea, vomiting and a runny nose. In severe cases, the disease can progress into a serious pneumonia-like illness — but early on, infected people may show no symptoms at all.
U.S. health officials have now advised the American public to prepare for an epidemic, meaning those who have not traveled to affected countries or made contact with people who recently traveled may begin catching the virus. As the outbreak progresses in the U.S., state and local health departments should provide updates about when and where the virus has spread. If you live in an affected region and begin experiencing high fever, weakness, lethargy or shortness of breath, or or have underlying conditions and milder symptoms of the disease, you should seek medical attention at the nearest hospital, experts told Live Science.
From there, you may be tested for the virus, though as of yet, the CDC has not made the available diagnostic exam widely available.
So far, it appears the coronavirus is more deadly than the flu. However, there’s still a lot of uncertainty around the mortality rate of the virus. The annual flu typically has a mortality rate of around 0.1% in the U.S. So far, there’s a 0.05% mortality rate among those who caught the flu virus in the U.S. this year, according to the CDC.
In comparison, recent data suggests that COVID-19 has a mortality rate more than 20 times higher, of around 2.3%, according to a study published Feb. 18 by the China CDC Weekly. The death rate varied by different factors such as location and an individual’s age, according to a previous Live Science report.
But these numbers are continuously evolving and may not represent the actual mortality rate. It’s not clear if the case counts in China are accurately documented, especially since they shifted the way they defined cases midway through, according to STAT News. There could be many mild or asymptomatic cases that weren’t counted in the total sample size, they wrote. COVID-19 Kills Up to 20x More Per Week than FluA new paper finds that U.S. deaths per week from COVID-19 may be more than 20 times higher than flu deaths.
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Researchers have yet to find any evidence that vitamin C supplements can render people immune to COVID-19 infection. In fact, for most people, taking extra vitamin C does not even ward off the common cold, though it may shorten the duration of a cold if you catch one.
That said, vitamin C serves essential roles in the human body and supports normal immune function. As an antioxidant, the vitamin neutralizes charged particles called free radicals that can damage tissues in the body. It also helps the body synthesize hormones, build collagen and seal off vulnerable connective tissue against pathogens.
So yes, vitamin C should absolutely be included in your daily diet if you want to maintain a healthy immune system. But megadosing on supplements is unlikely to lower your risk of catching COVID-19, and may at most give you a “modest” advantage against the virus, should you become infected. No evidence suggests that other so-called immune-boosting supplements — such as zinc, green tea or echinacea — help to prevent COVID-19, either.
Be wary of products being advertised as treatments or cures for the new coronavirus. Since the COVID-19 outbreak began in the United States, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) have already issued warning letters to seven companies for selling fraudulent products that promise to cure, treat or prevent the viral infection.
It is safe to receive letters or packages from China, according to the World Health Organization. Previous research has found that coronaviruses don’t survive long on objects such as letters and packages. Based on what we know about similar coronaviruses such as MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV, experts think this new coronavirus likely survives poorly on surfaces.
A past study found that these related coronaviruses can stay on surfaces such as metal, glass or plastic for as long as nine days, according to a study published Feb. 6 in The Journal of Hospital Infection. But the surfaces present in packaging are not ideal for the virus to survive.
For a virus to remain viable, it needs a combination of specific environmental conditions such as temperature, lack of UV exposure and humidity — a combination you won’t get in shipping packages, according to Dr. Amesh A. Adalja, Senior Scholar, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, who spoke with Live Science’s sister site Tom’s Hardware.
And so “there is likely very low risk of spread from products or packaging that are shipped over a period of days or weeks at ambient temperatures,” according to the CDC. “Currently, there is no evidence to support transmission of COVID-19 associated with imported goods, and there have not been any cases of COVID-19 in the United States associated with imported goods.” Rather, the coronavirus is thought to be most commonly spread through respiratory droplets.
No, you can’t. By that logic, you’d also have to avoid Italian, Korean, Japanese and Iranian restaurants, given that those countries have also been facing an outbreak. The new coronavirus doesn’t just affect people of Chinese descent.How does it spread? What are symptoms?Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is spreading across the globe. Here’s what you need to know about the coronavirus and the disease it causes, called COVID-19.
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Editor’s Note: This story has been updated to reflected updated knowledge on SARS-CoV-2 transmission in children.
On this sunny morning let us share a little knowledge for the people around us, although a little hopefully can be useful for people in need.
What is MO?
Maybe here many people already understand what is meant by MO? but maybe there are also those who don’t know. For those who don’t know, let’s learn together about MOL. MOL (Local Micro Organisms) is a material used for starters in the manufacture of solid and liquid organic fertilizers. The main ingredient of MOL consists of several components namely, carbohydrates, glucose, and sources of microorganisms. The basic ingredients for fermentation of MOL solutions can come from agricultural products, plantations, and household organic waste. The following is an example of a formulation for MOL. Prepare 1 kg of material mixed with 1 kg of brown sugar, 1 bunch of sprouts, 1 sheet of aloe vera, 1 bunch of damaged bamboo leaves as a source of microbes, plus 2 liters of coconut water then crushed and then added 15 liters of rice washing water. These materials then become a solution called a microbial growth media that contains carbohydrates, proteins, minerals and vitamins. Let stand for 3-5 days until the scent appears. Then the solution is filtered, stored in a bottle, the gas will appear, immediately remove the gas. If gas is lost, MOL is ready to use. Furthermore, to make compost, the method is very easy. We just need to mix all the organic waste into one special place then we add the MOL that we have made, then keep it for several months. We can use compost to add fertility to the soil that we use to grow plants, whether vegetable, fruit or ornamental plants. It’s not hard to make MOL, let’s make our own MOL from our household organic waste.
Indonesia verse:
Di pagi yang cerah ini mari kita berbagi pengetahuan sedikit untuk orang-orang di sekitar kita, meskipun sedikit semoga dapat bermanfaat bagi orang-orang yang membutuhkan.
Apa itu MO?
Mungkin di sini sudah banyak yang paham apa itu yang di maksud MO? tapi mungkin juga ada yang belum tahu. Bagi yang belum tahu mari kita belajar bersama tentang MOL. MOL (Mikro Organisme Local) adalah suatu bahan yang dimanfaatkan untuk starter dalam pembuatan pupuk organik padat maupun cair. Bahan utama MOL terdiri dari beberapa komponen yaitu, karbohidrat, glukosa, dan sumber mikroorganisme. Bahan dasar untuk fermentasi larutan MOL dapat berasal dari hasil pertanian, perkebunan, maupun limbah organik rumah tangga. Berikut adalah salah satu contoh formulasi pembuatan MOL. Siapkan 1 kg bahan dicampur dengan 1 kg gula merah, 1 ikat kecambah, 1 lembar daun lidah buaya, 1 ikat daun bambu yang sudah rusak sebagai sumber mikroba, ditambah 2 liter air kelapa lalu dihancurkan dan selanjutnya ditambah 15 liter air cucian beras. Bahan-bahan tersebut selanjutnya menjadi larutan yang disebut media tumbuh mikroba yang mengadung karbohidrat, protein, mineral dan vitamin. Diamkan selama 3-5 hari hingga muncul aroma wangi. Kemudian Larutan disaring, disimpan dalam botol, maka akan muncul gas, segera buang gas. Jika gas hilang, maka MOL siap digunakan. Selanjutnya untuk membuat pupuk kompos, caranya sangat mudah. Kita hanya perlu mencampurkan semua sampah bahan organik ke dalam satu tempat khusus kemudian kita tambahkan MOL yang telah kita buat, kemudian disimpan selama beberapa bulan. Kita bisa menggunakan pupuk kompos tersebut untuk menambah subur tanah yang kita gunakan untuk menanam tanaman baik sayur, buah atau tanaman hias. Tidak sulit kan membuat MOL, yuk kita bikin sendiri MOL dari sampah organik rumah tangga kita.
Covid-19 pandemic which certainly will not pass quickly and corresponding to all sectors of life, has pushed various efforts to be able to survive and live healthy by utilizing various existing potential sources.. Indonesia is rich in various potential natural resources including nutrients rich in food and beneficial bioactive components health.
This pocketbook presents various types of foodstuffs and products preparations that have active ingredients and benefits as antivirus
and immune booster, including manufacturing products and some technologies processing that has been developed by the Postharvest Research Center Agriculture (BB Postharvest). Ways of consumption, dosage, and side effects might arise from consuming each product also described, with the hope that the community can obtain complete information.
This pocket is expected to be one source of information that can be
enhancing the reader’s insight to increase endurance by utilizing the food that is around us.
Furthermore, suggestions and constructive criticism are expected above all
deficiencies found in this pocketbook for future improvement.
Specific information can be gathered from www.hazton.net
Some Indonesian farming communities are being familiarized with a new technology of agriculture scheme that is acknowledged as Hazton. Hazton technology was pioneered and applied in various regions in Indonesia. A number of examinations were conducted to prove that this Hazton System was applicable and replicable anywhere in any corner of Indonesia. Based on the information from several parties, this Hazton technology will have results in yields 3 times than the ordinary one.
Hazton Technology was initiated as a result of thinking of the Local community member of West Kalimantan namely Ir. Hazairin MS, who currently serves as the Head of the Agriculture and Food Crops Horticulture Service and Anton Kamaruddin, SP, M.Sc as the Head of the Food Crops and Fruits Section.
Hazton technology can be realized as a way to grow rice by using old seedlings aged 25-35 days after seedling with the number of dense seeds that is 20-30 seedlings per planting hole.
The superiority of the Hazton method as follow
Currently some testings will be carried out in Java. Therefore efforts to improve the testing are part of proving the quality and quantity of Hazton technology. We hope a success for this testing toward real implementation.
Following are the documents relevant to Hazton’s lessons learned
Potatoes are a unique commodity that can be developed in Indonesia. On various occasions, the food is processed with potatoes to increase the variation of carbohydrate and as nutritious food intake. Besides potatoes are a good alternative in improving diet, especially for those who like to go on a diet. Not surprisingly, the demand for potatoes has increased along with the diets of our people who are getting used to consuming carbohydrates other than rice.
However, the fact is the availability of potatoes does not meet market demand, so that Indonesia in recent years still imports this commodity.
Following is the figure of Potato Harvesting based on Province during period of 2015 – 2019
One alternative that can be developed during difficult times like this [Pandemic] is by conducting potato cultivation. A few years ago, it was predicted that the government would be hard to guarantee food security if it only relied on rice. There is a tendency to find alternative food commodities as an alternative to replace rice to support food security. We need to be grateful because Indonesia has the potential to develop food that is quite high.
In all directions, there are local food plants that thrive. Our society is very wise and has high knowledge of utilizing nature for life, maintaining soil fertility, and environmental preservation.
Rice-based consumption must be slowly changed to eating based on nutritional carbohydrate requirements and can be grown in Indonesia. For this purpose, potato commodity is one of the options to fulfill those needs. .
Potatoes contain adequate nutrition [high] and have an advantage in planting because they can be grown in a small area. Besides that, the food security and cultivation diversity program makes potatoe as one of the hopes to sustain the increasing food needs.
Monday 29 June 2020
By: Dahlan Iskan
This is my first guest at DI’s Way’s new office in Surabaya: the district head has 36 companies. He started the company group since he was in the third grade of high school.
Now he is only 40 years old. Handsome. Rich.
That is the Regent of Nganjuk, East Java.
He became regent because he was annoyed: how come his hometown was not moving forward. He left his company. He handed management to professionals. “I give them shares. In order to feel more ownership, “said Novi Rahman Hidhayat, the regent.
Prior to politics, he withdrew all his family from the company. So that professional management is not disturbed by family influence.
Regent Novi has a nickel mine, coal, 120 rural credit banks, and many more.
He left his salary as regent to the people’s welfare institution. He didn’t use the official cars of the regent. All civil servants must pay zakat – the results of which are managed by the team to overcome poverty.
Every Friday he moves mosque: preaching. After Friday meeting the community around the mosque. Novi find out if there are still houses that are not livable. With the zakat fund, the house was restored.
When the houses are new, Novi goes to the mosque again. Bring a cone. As a sign of inauguration. One house one cone. The cone photo was raised. Installed in a new home.
That happens almost every Friday. Over the past two years.
Novi also changed Labor Day in Nganjuk. Become more spiritual. Than is usually more tense. Every where.
On the night before Labor Day (May 1), Novi held a large-scale sema’an. A kind of istosah. Its location in the village of labor heroes: Marsinah.
Marsinah’s tomb is indeed in Nganjuk. The woman was killed as a martyr in the New Order era. It was near the tomb that sema’an grand was held.
The next day, May 1, held Haul Marsinah. Throughout Nganjuk. The event: Khataman Alquran in mosques. That day there were no demonstrations or labor marches in the district.
As the owner of 36 companies, with a total of 40,000 employees, Novi is accustomed to making quick decisions. At first the bureaucracy was difficult to catch up with.
End of 2018, after a few months in office he showed the speed of movement. On the last day of December, he gathered the heads of services. Some thought it was for the New Year’s Eve celebration.
It turned out that Novi gave an unusual new year’s “gift”: 18 department heads were replaced. Valid starting that new year’s eve too.
January 1 the next day, Novi step on the gas. The new bureaucracy is like company managers.
Novi wants to immediately open an industrial area. The first was in the entire Kediri residency. The extent of 600 hectares – for the first stage.
He does not want to lose momentum: the Surabaya-Jakarta toll road is almost ready. At that time. Passing Nganjuk. It would be precise if there was an industrial area near the toll road.
He set the location of the industrial area. Permission must be fast. The setup must be fast.
The price of land in Nganjuk is still cheaper than the area around Surabaya. The distance to the port of Tanjung Perak is also less than 2 hours – thanks to the toll road.
Within a year the area was ready. Like lightning. Now more than 60 companies have entered the industrial estate.
Novi also built a “granary RW”. Each RT leader becomes the head of a business unit for his citizens. Especially farmers.
In every RW there are always empty houses. What a generation of children and grandchildren left to the city. The empty house is used as a warehouse. For rent.
One village farmer hands the grain to the RW pack. To be stored in the warehouse earlier.
Mr. RW is the one who processed it to become big. Then sell it.
After selling, Mr. RW pays the farmers. With prices 10 percent higher than market prices. Farmers get better prices.
I do not want to write this question in full. Never trusted. I (or reporter’s DI Way) must first explore the success rate itself. In the near future.
It feels like Nganjuk will be like Banyuwangi – whose progress is very fast. Novi has the potential to become the successful Azwar Anas – Banyuwangi Regent.
Both NU students. The PDI-Perjuangan also are nominated. You are equally young. Only Novi is richer in wealth. Anas is richer in political experience.
In his life Novi never entered the organization. When they were students or even students did not join IPNU or PMII.
After SMPN 1 Nganjuk Novi was asked by her mother to continue to the cottage. Novi enters Darul Ulum, Peterongan, Jombang.
In “Pondok Bintang Sembilan” there are not only madrasa. There are also Featured High Schools. Namely the high school BPPT project Alm Prof. BJ Habibie. That’s where Novi goes to school. Which if graduated can go directly to the Indonesian Institute of Technology.
During the second year of high school the classroom was upstairs. The lower floor is used for junior high school. Every time he came down from the top floor his eyes stumbled into the eyes of a middle school student downstairs.
Fall in love.
Fall in love.
A friend of hers became a courier with her correspondence from a native Jakarta high school student. Use the old way: through the exchange of textbooks – which contain love letters.
“While waiting for the textbook containing love letters, the flutter is not playing,” Novi remembers.
Love letters that he kept until now. He put it in the money safe. Locked to death with a combination secret key.
That is his first and last love. They married after the high school graduate student – and Novi had not graduated with a degree in economics from Brawijaya University. He did not enter ITI because he had started a business.
In Darul Ulum Novi gets three ‘i’: diploma, wife, and infusion. While at school Novi can still make money: buy used plastic. For sale to plastic ore processing plants.
When the third grade of high school increased into the plastic ore trade.
While studying, Novi continued to develop her business. All of that was inspired by his father: the businessman of agricultural products, livestock, and trade services.
Now the father does not do business anymore. Completely migrate to other fields: take care of the pesantren which he established in Kediri. The students do not need to pay: kindergarten, elementary school, Ibtidaiyah, Aliyah, and vocational school.
In Nganjuk the Novi company has 2,000 employees. It was they – in 2017 – who were mobilized to raise their candidacy ratings as regents.
Those who put up 6,500 more large posters in all RTs in Nganjuk.
The contents of the poster are very simple: a photo of him in a white hem shirt and black skullcap. Not much writing on the poster. It reads only: Mas Novi, Candidate for Regent.
There is no jargon, motto or titles. He applies the marketing principles.
The result: Novi’s popularity suddenly skyrocketed, 70 percent. From before only 8 percent.
The parties are after him. Especially PDI-Perjuangan and PKB. Novi’s high rating makes it unnecessary to look for parties. The political vehicle came alone.
He did not need to pay dowry to the PDI-Perjuangan for anything. Not to PKB either. His father was familiar with the main kiai in the PKB.
It’s just that he must hold PDI-Perjuangan cadres as representatives.
His work is very real. The results of the love letter in the textbook are also real: five children are born. The oldest is studying in Yemen. In Darul Mustofa in the City of Tarim.
There he entered the pesantren which belonged to his own ancestor – from the path of Novi’s wife.
The second and third women. Both entered Umar Said’s vocational school sponsored by Djarum in Kudus. The fourth is still tsanawiyah (SMP). And the fifth, still elementary school. Both in Nganjuk.
All his children were memorizing the Koran – following his mother who also memorized the Koran.
“You memorized the Koran too?” I asked Novi.
“I memorized the money,” joked Novi. (Dahlan Iskan)
Senin 29 June 2020
Oleh : Dahlan Iskan
Inilah tamu pertama saya di kantor baru Harian DI’s Way di Surabaya: bupati yang punya 36 perusahaan. Grup perusahaan itu ia rintis sejak masih kelas 3 SMA.
Kini umurnya baru 40 tahun. Ganteng. Kaya.
Itulah Bupati Nganjuk, Jawa Timur.
Ia jadi bupati karena gemes: kok kampung halamannya tidak maju-maju. Ia tinggalkan perusahaannya. Ia serahkan manajemen ke para profesional. ”Saya beri mereka saham. Agar lebih merasa memiliki,” ujar Novi Rahman Hidhayat, sang bupati.
Sebelum ke politik semua keluarganya ia tarik dari perusahaan. Agar manajemen profesional tidak terganggu pengaruh keluarga.
Bupati Novi punya tambang nikel, batubara, 120 bank perkreditan rakyat, dan banyak lagi.
Gajinya sebagai bupati ia serahkan ke lembaga kesejahteraan rakyat. Mobil-mobil dinas bupati tidak ada yang ia pakai. Semua pegawai negeri harus membayar zakat –yang hasilnya dikelola tim untuk mengatasi kemiskinan.
Tiap Jumat ia pindah masjid: khotbah. Usai Jumatan bertemu masyarakat di sekitar masjid. Novi mencari tahu apakah masih ada rumah yang tidak layak huni. Dengan dana zakat itu rumah tersebut dipugar.
Kalau rumah-rumah itu sudah baru, Novi ke masjid itu lagi. Membawa tumpeng. Sebagai tanda peresmian. Satu rumah satu tumpeng. Foto tumpengan itu dibesarkan. Dipasang di rumah baru.
Itu terjadi nyaris setiap Jumat. Selama dua tahun terakhir.
Novi juga mengubah Hari Buruh di Nganjuk. Menjadi lebih spiritual. Dari yang biasanya lebih tegang. Di mana-mana.
Di malam sebelum Hari Buruh (1 Mei), Novi mengadakan sema’an besar-besaran. Semacam istIghosah. Lokasinya di kampung pahlawan buruh: Marsinah.
Makam Marsinah memang di di Nganjuk. Wanita itu terbunuh sebagai martir di zaman Orde Baru. Di dekat makam itulah sema’an akbar dilangsungkan.
Keesokan harinya, tanggal 1 Mei, diadakan Haul Marsinah. Di seluruh Nganjuk. Acaranya: khataman Alquran di masjid-masjid. Hari itu tidak ada demo atau pawai buruh di kabupaten itu.
Sebagai pemilik 36 perusahaan, dengan total karyawan 40.000 orang, Novi terbiasa membuat keputusan cepat. Mula-mula birokrasinya sulit mengejar.
Akhir 2018, setelah beberapa bulan menjabat ia tunjukkan kecepatan geraknya. Di hari terakhir bulan Desember, ia kumpulkan kepala-kepala dinas. Ada yang mengira itu untuk ikut perayaan malam tahun baru.
Ternyata Novi memberi ”hadiah” tahun baru yang tidak biasa: 18 kepala dinas diganti. Berlaku mulai malam tahun baru itu juga.
Tanggal 1 Januari keesokan harinya, Novi tancap gas. Birokrasi barunya sudah seperti para manajer perusahaan.
Novi ingin segera membuka kawasan industri. Yang pertama di seluruh karesidenan Kediri. Luasnya 600 hektare –untuk tahap pertama.
Ia tidak mau kehilangan momentum: jalan tol Surabaya-Jakarta sudah hampir jadi. Saat itu. Melewati Nganjuk. Alangkah tepatnya kalau ada kawasan industri di dekat jalan tol itu.
Ia tetapkan lokasi kawasan industri itu. Perizinannya harus cepat. Penyiapannya harus lekas.
Harga tanah di Nganjuk masih lebih murah dari wilayah di sekitar Surabaya. Jarak ke pelabuhan Tanjung Perak juga kurang dari 2 jam –berkat jalan tol.
Dalam waktu setahun kawasan itu sudah jadi. Seperti afdruk kilat. Kini sudah lebih 60 perusahaan masuk kawasan industri itu.
Novi juga membangun ”lumbung RW”. Setiap ketua RT menjadi pimpinan unit bisnis untuk warganya. Khususnya petani.
Di setiap RW selalu ditemukan rumah kosong. Yang ditinggal generasi anak-cucu ke kota. Rumah kosong itu dijadikan gudang. Disewa.
Petani satu kampung menyerahkan gabah ke pak RW. Untuk disimpan di gudang tadi.
Pak RW-lah yang mengolahnya menjadi besar. Lalu menjualnya.
Setelah laku Pak RW membayar ke petani. Dengan harga 10 persen lebih tinggi dari harga pasar. Petani memperoleh harga lebih baik.
Saya belum mau menulis soal ini secara lengkap. Jangan dulu dipercaya. Saya (atau wartawan DI’s Way) harus lebih dulu menelusuri sendiri tingkat keberhasilannya. Dalam waktu dekat.
Rasanya Nganjuk akan bisa seperti Banyuwangi –yang majunya cepat sekali. Novi punya potensi menjadi Azwar Anas –Bupati Banyuwangi yang sukses itu.
Dua-duanya santri NU. Sama-sama pula dicalonkan oleh PDI-Perjuangan. Sama-sama mudanya. Hanya Novi lebih kaya harta. Anas lebih kaya pengalaman politik.
Dalam hidupnya Novi tidak pernah masuk organisasi. Waktu masih pelajar atau mahasiswa pun tidak ikut IPNU atau PMII.
Selepas SMPN 1 Nganjuk Novi diminta ibunya melanjutkan ke pondok. Novi pun masuk Darul Ulum, Peterongan, Jombang.
Di ”Pondok Bintang Sembilan” itu tidak hanya ada madrasah. Ada juga SMA Unggulan. Yakni SMA proyek BPPT-nya Alm Prof BJ Habibie. Ke situlah Novi sekolah. Yang kalau tamat bisa langsung ke Institut Teknologi Indonesia.
Waktu kelas 2 SMA itu ruang kelasnya di lantai atas. Lantai bawah digunakan untuk SMP. Setiap kali turun dari lantai atas matanya terantuk pandang mata seorang siswi SMP di lantai bawah.
Jatuh cinta.
Seorang temannya menjadi kurir surat-menyuratnya dengan siswi SMP asli Jakarta itu. Pakai cara lama: lewat pertukaran buku pelajaran –yang berisi surat cinta.
”Waktu menunggu buku pelajaran berisi surat cinta itu berdebarnya bukan main,” ujar Novi mengenang.
Surat-surat cinta itu ia simpan sampai sekarang. Ia taruh di brankas uang. Dikunci mati dengan kunci rahasia kombinasi.
Itulah cinta pertama dan terakhirnya. Mereka menikah setelah si siswi tamat SMA –dan Novi belum lulus sarjana ekonomi di Universitas Brawijaya. Ia tidak jadi masuk ITI karena sudah mulai berbisnis.
Di Darul Ulum Novi mendapat tiga ‘i’ : ijazah, istri, dan infus. Sambil sekolah Novi masih bisa cari uang: membeli plastik bekas. Untuk dijual ke pabrik pengolahan biji plastik.
Saat kelas tiga SMA meningkat menjadi dagang bijih plastik.
Sambil kuliah pun Novi terus mengembangkan bisnisnya. Semua itu terinspirasi dari ayahnya: pengusaha hasil bumi, ternak, dan jasa perdagangan.
Kini sang ayah tidak berbisnis lagi. Hijrah sepenuhnya ke bidang lain: mengurus pesantren yang didirikannya di Kediri. Yang siswanya tidak perlu membayar: TK, SD, Ibtidaiyah, Aliyah, dan SMK.
Di Nganjuk perusahaan Novi memiliki 2.000 karyawan. Merekalah –di tahun 2017–yang dikerahkan untuk menaikkan rating pencalonannya sebagai bupati.
Mereka itu yang memasang 6.500 lebih poster besar di semua RT di Nganjuk.
Isi poster sangat simple: foto dirinya dengan baju hem putih dan kopiah hitam. Tidak banyak tulisan di poster itu. Bunyinya hanya: Mas Novi, Calon Bupati.
Tidak ada jargon, motto atau pun gelar-gelar. Prinsip-prinsip marketing ia jalankan.
Hasilnya: popularitas Novi tiba-tiba melangit, 70 persen. Dari sebelumnya hanya 8 persen.
Partai-partai pun mengincarnya. Terutama PDI-Perjuangan dan PKB. Tingginya rating Novi membuat ia tidak perlu mencari partai. Kendaraan politik itu datang sendiri.
Ia sama sekali tidak perlu membayar mahar ke PDI-Perjuangan. Tidak juga ke PKB. Ayahnya akrab dengan kiai-kiai utama di PKB.
Hanya saja ia harus menggandeng kader PDI-Perjuangan sebagai wakil.
Hasil kerjanya sangat nyata. Hasil surat cinta di dalam buku pelajarannya pun nyata: anaknya lima orang. Yang tertua kuliah di Yaman. Di Darul Mustofa di Kota Tarim.
Di sana ia masuk pesantren milik leluhurnya sendiri itu –dari jalur istri Novi.
Yang kedua dan ketiga wanita. Dua-duanya masuk SMK animasi Umar Said yang disponsori Djarum di Kudus. Yang keempat masih tsanawiyah (SMP). Dan yang kelima, masih SD. Dua-duanya di Nganjuk.
Semua anaknya itu lagi menghafal Alquran –ikut ibunya yang juga hafal Alquran.
”Anda hafal Alquran juga?” tanya saya kepada Novi.
”Saya hafal fulus,” gurau Novi.(Dahlan Iskan)
Jakarta, June 16, 2020 – SKK Migas recorded the realization of lifting in May 2020 reaching 5,253 MMSCFD or 10.45% lower than the realization of gas lifting / channeling in the first quarter of 2020 which reached 5,866 MMSCFD. Meanwhile, if compared with the 2020 APBN target of 6,670 MMSCFD, the realization of gas lifting / channeling in May 2020 only reached 79%.
Based on sales data for May 2020 LNG uptake especially for the domestic market fell sharply to only 2 cargoes compared to absorption in the first quarter of 2020 which reached 13 cargoes. Due to the inability to absorb the domestic market, especially by PLN as the main buyer of LNG in the country, the mitigation undertaken is to sell cargo for the export market with the risk of fluctuating prices at this time.
The decline in gas absorption by domestic buyers, mainly by PLN and also the industrial sector in May 2020 due to the condition of COVID-19 which has an impact on the limited movement of goods and people so that many factories reduce their operations or even have to stop production temporarily. This has an impact on reduced energy consumption in the industrial sector. The decreasing energy requirements in industry, commercial and offices during COVID-19 also have an impact on the energy needs of PLN.
With the issuance of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 8 of 2020 concerning Procedures for Determining Users and Prices of Certain Natural Gas in the Industrial Field; Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 10 of 2020 concerning Amendments to the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 45 of 2017 concerning Utilization of Natural Gas for Power Plants; Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Decree No. 89 K / 10 / MEM / 2020 concerning Users and Certain Prices of Natural Gas in the Industrial Field; and Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 91 K / 12 / MEM / 2020 on the Price of Natural Gas at the Power Gate (Plant Gate) is expected to provide support for increasing gas usage.
The Head of SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto conveyed, as a support for the ESDM Ministerial Regulation to run effectively, SKK Migas has carried out its duties by conducting socialization and coordination to KKKS. “Earlier in early June 2020, SKK Migas and KKKS signed the Side Letter of PSC agreement to provide legal guarantees for the contract and create business certainty. The KKKS also signed a Letter of Agreement (LoA) that took effect on April 13, 2020. The signing of the LoA also to provide business certainty for KKKS as producers in the upstream sector and gas buyers (buyers), “Dwi said.
Dwi added, with the signing of the Side Letter of PSC, explaining the profit sharing adjustment between SKK Migas and KKKS by using a provisional entitlement to natural gas prices determined by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources. This calculation is carried out through an adjustment mechanism for calculating the reduction of the state’s portion, so that in the upstream oil and gas side there is a guarantee of certainty where the revenue of the KKKS portion does not change.
With this policy, buyers can buy gas at a lower price of US $ 6 per MMBTU, so it is expected to increase gas absorption by the user industry. “The low uptake of pipeline gas to the downstream gas user industry in May 2020, we are currently seeing it not only due to the Covid-19 condition but also as a transition period from the gas user industry to the implementation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Decree”, Dwi said.
“Furthermore, the successful implementation of the ESDM Ministerial Regulation will depend on the readiness of the gas user industry and also PLN. We hope that in the coming June and onwards with the implementation of the ESDM Ministerial Regulation and also the reduction in restrictions because Covid-19 natural gas uptake will move up, and can have a positive impact on improving the national economy through increasing added value in the downstream industry, which can be achieved according to the initial objectives of the Government’s policy through Presidential Regulation No. 40 of 2016. “, concluded Dwi.
Titration is a quantitative method for determining the concentration of a compound (acid-base, Chloride ions / metal compounds) by reacting with titrants with known concentrations.
In the learning lab (school / campus) titrations are often forgotten with titrants in the burette related to the stative, while for routine work in the research and industrial labs often auto titrators are found as an alternative to more effective and efficient titrations. Which is the best for you?
In manual titration, the titran discharge from the burette is controlled by the user’s hand, while in the auto titrator the titrant discharge can be precisely controlled by volume and speed. Detection of end points on a manual titration is based on changes in the color of the analyte, whereas on the auto endpoint the titrator is detected automatically by the electrode.
So, have you used the right titrator?
Waste management in a particular work unit or company usually follows the common mechanism.
Looking at the results of operation monitoring, it is known that the performance in treating waste is more effective than processing with conventional settling ponds. Liquid waste (effluent) generated from mining operations and other types of processing activities with the aim to reduce the total suspended solids (TSS) and metal pollution. Several mining companies are committed to treating wastewater to meet quality standards before being channeled back to water bodies. Hazardous Waste Management is one of a series of activities that includes storage, collection, utilization, transportation, and processing of B3 waste including the stockpiling of the processing results. So it can be concluded that the B3 waste management actors include: B3 waste producer B3 Waste Collector Hazardous Waste Carrier B3 Waste Users B3 Waste Management B3 Waste landfill |